How To Connect DiscordMobs To Your Server

In order to connect DiscordMobs to Discord, you must create a bot for your server. This webpage will walk you through the process!

Creating your Bot

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal
  2. Press the "New Application" button
  3. Name your application whatever you want and click "Create"
  4. You will be redirected to the General Information page, copy your Application ID and paste it below:
  5. Go to your applications Bot page (located in the sidebar)
  6. Click "Add Bot" button
  7. Copy your bots token and paste it below:
  8. Scroll down to the "Privileged Gateway Intents" section and enable "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT",
    this will allow your bot to see the members of your server

Adding your bot to your Discord server

Connect DiscordMobs to your bot

Paste your bot token above to generate the command you need to run in Minecraft

(or run /discordmobs connect <bot_token>)

Run the following command on your Minecraft server: